Rights conflicts
You are always welcome to contact us if you have questions or comments.
Read more below about how Producer Rights Denmark (PRD) deals with rights conflicts.
Conflict management
Rights conflicts arise when two or more rights holders claim rights revenues for a television or film production and the total claim for the given production exceeds 100%. Disbursement regarding a production that is the subject of a rights conflict is frozen until the conflict has been resolved.
When PRD ascertains that a rights conflict has arisen, we contact the relevant parties to find out whether we have registered the correct information. If such an enquiry fails to clear up the rights issue, as a party involved in a conflict you should contact the opposing party to clarify the distribution of the rights. PRD must then be notified of the rights distribution so that the correct disbursement can be made.
PRD can't make decisions in conflicts between producers or between producers and other right holders. However, we are willing to assist with handling such conflicts.
For enquiries about rights conflicts, please contact:
Andreas Godtfredsen
+45 42709551
Read more about complaints procedure
Send general questions to:
Producer Rights Denmark